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Is our life predestined or we build it? DESTINY

What people are generally calling as destiny is essentially what they end up creating unconsciously. Unconsciously means, as you’re reading this article right now, there is physical activity going on within this system. There is mental process, there is emotional activity and of course the life energies are active. Every moment they are taking in hundreds of inputs whether you’re conscious or unconscious.

If a human being doesn’t take it, upon himself or herself to make their own destiny, they are still having an evolutionary problem. They are still not yet fully ready because being human means, that we can conduct our life consciously. Being human means, that we can craft our life the way we want.

Is it all hard work? Is it all destiny? What is it? Now, in my humble opinion, destiny is the situation that comes to you, which are beyond your control.

For example you didn’t choose your parents. You were destined; that was destiny: you were born. You never thought he will be my father, she will be my mother and I will incarnate. Have you ever thought like that? Never.

Did you ever choose your looks? Obviously, no one. So situations are destiny. You didn’t choose them, they came to you.

But your response to those situations is your choice. Respone is not destiny. What you chose, is your choice and when you choose it, that decides your future destiny. This is why the people say that Man is the maker of his Destiny, not situations. Situations will remain what they are but how you respond to those situations, is completely and entirely your choice.

So now, for example you want to achieve something in your life, now you have a choice to work hard, to cultivate that attitude.

That attitude isn’t destiny, that attitude is a choice. And when you choose that attitude, hopefully victory will come to you right away. Even if it doesn’t come to you right away, you have sown the seed. That will pay back. The seed that is sown will certainly fructify now, ten years down the line, twenty years down the line or later. This is why persistence, sticking it out is so much essential.

But this destiny business is a good insurance to handle your failure. Whenever you fail, you say that it’s destiny or God’s will. So, this has been going on for a long time. This is not the fundamental nature of our culture. In our culture, we are taught from the ancient times that our life is our karma. This means, your life is your making. No interstellar influence you, it’s only you.

What is thrown at us is not in our hands, what comes in our way is not in our hands but what we make out of it is one-hundred percent in our hands. So, what come at you, you cannot decide but what you make out of it is your thing.

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2 thoughts on “Is our life predestined or we build it? DESTINY

  • Wisely penned down👌👌great topic.. interesting blog

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