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How cameras are different from Human Eyes? And what role cameras played in the history? Importance of Camera

The human eye is one of the wonders by the God. It’s like a 500 megapixel camera that can run in bright light, in near darkness, and even under water, though not really well. It communities to our brains so much about the world. Our eyes are how we find partners, how we understand the people around us, how we read, and how we watch games shows on TV.

Yup, the human eye is pretty neat, and we’re lucky enough to have two of them. But, there are things that, despite looking really hard, we still can’t quite see. For example, you can watch a horse galloping, buy your eyes can’t keep up with its fast-moving hooves enough to figure out whether all four feetare ever off the ground simultaneously.

For these types of questions, we need cameras. About 150 years ago, the photographer Eadweard Muybridge used one to solve the galloping horse mystery. Using careful photography, Muybridge proved that at certain points as it gallops, a horse really is flying.

Since then, photography has found its way into all aspects of mathematics and science. It enhanced our understanding of the world we thought we could already see, but it’s one which we really need help to see a little better. It’s not always the matter of the world moving by too quickly for our eyes to process. Sometimes cameras can help us see matter or movements that are too small for the naked eye.

Botanists used multiple photographs to show the life cycle of plants and how flowers turn over the course of a few hours to follow the sun in what is called phototropism, growing towards the light. Mathematicians have used photos to look at where in the twists and turns of a whip, the crack sound comes when the whip is breaking the sound barrier. Meteorologists and environmental scientists showed the growth of major hurricanes and the recession over the years of many of the world’s glaciers. Slow-motion film or time-lapse photography have shown us the beating of a hummingbird’s wings and the course of a bullet through its target.

In classrooms today, the camera is now present in just about every phone and computer allows the youngest scientists to observe the worl around them to document it, and to share their findings online.

Whether it’s the change of seasons or the growth of the germinating seed, cameras are allowing us to see the world through different lenses.

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