Inspirational and MotivationalKnowledgeable and EducationalSelf Develpoment

How can you become unstoppable? Powerful mindset.

The Sage becomes more unbreakable with time, but The Fool becomes more fragile.

The Sage becomes a diamond. A diamond is hard and capable of shaping other surfaces. The Sage makes himself into a diamond and leaves a significant mark on the world.

The Fool becomes a lump of coal. He leaves no impressive mark on the world.

The Sage understands that diamonds from under pressure, so he seeks a challenge-sometimes even A Challenger. Every Sage is a soldier. Through challenge, he finds the areas where he is false. By eliminating his falseness, he becomes more true, and by becoming more true, he becomes more imperishable.

The Fool fears from pressure, so he doesn’t challenge himself. He doesn’t allow himself to have any Challenger. He surrounds himself with Flatterers. Flatterers encourage him to become more false, and so he becomes more brittle over time.

The Sage doesn’t fear from pressure because he understands its healing qualities. He understands that pressure can cure him of false belief. He willingly allows himself to be broken by pressure, so he can retain only the parts of himself that do not break, and by doing so, he eventually becomes unbreakable.

The Fool fears pressure because he is ignorant. By avoiding pressure, he becomes sick with false beliefs. Overrun with false beliefs, he becomes fragile.

The Fool’s pride keeps him ignorant. He is so certain that he knows all there is to know that he becomes blind to everything that he doesn’t know. He’s like a man who’s attached to his own image of himself in the mirror, and as a result, he becomes unable to see anything else.

But the Sage’s humility keeps him in a constant state of learning. He doubts what he knows, and so he remains open to everything thatbhe doesn’t know. He’s like the man who is not attached to his own reflection, and as a result, he’s free to see everything else.

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