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How to empty your mind full of garbage?

Once a monk was walking through the market place with his disciples, they saw a man dragging a cow by a rope. He was trying to bring her home, but the cow didn’t want to go and wasn’t moving an inch. He tried a lot and spent much time like this.

The monk told the man to wait and told the disciples, “I’m going to teach you something.” and he continued. “Tell me who is bound to whom? Is the cow bound to this man or the man is bound to the cow? Who is master and who is slave?” The disciples said, “Of course master, the cow is bound to the man. The man is the master because he is holding the rope, the cow has to follow him wherever he goes.” After this answer, the monk immediately cut the rope. As he cut the rope, cow ran away and the man started running after his cow. Then the monk said, “Look, what’s happening now,  do you see who the master is?” The monk continued “The cow is not at all interested in this man, the cow in fact is trying to escape from him but the man is bound to her that’s why he’s running behind her.”

The Monk explained, “Like the cow, all the nonsense that we carry inside our mind, is not interested in us, but we’re interested in keeping it. The moment we lose interest in all the garbage filled in our mind, it will start to disappear like the cow, it will escape and disappear.”

If we see in our lives, we will find that this is the case with our mind too. We consider ourselves owner of many things and individuals but in reality we are not their owners but slaves, they are the owners because we need them. Like the cow, all the nonsense that we carry inside our minds like anger, jealousy, hate, fear, etc, are not interested in us but were interested in it. We are keeping it for many years and not wanting to empty and free our minds. We do not want to release the grip, and instead our mind wants to further entangle us and feel overjoyed. The moment we lose interest in all the garbage that has completed choked our mind, we will understand the futility of it and it will start to disappear.

Always remember that feeling free and relaxed is a choice then why not to take that choice and enjoy the beautiful life that is given to us, because an empty mind is a blissful state.

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