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Never underestimate anybody : A short story of an athlete.

A young athlete named Ryan had a natural talent for running and had been training vigorously for years with the aim of winning the national championship and becoming a professional athlete. After a lot of hard work, Ryan finally qualified for the national championship. However, on the day of the race, he found out that his strongest competitor, Mark, was not present. This made him feel relieved as he knew that it would increase his chances of winning.

During the race, Ryan was leading and was only a few feet away from the finish line. Suddenly, he noticed Mark catching up with him. Ryan had underestimated Mark, and he realized that he had made a mistake. Determined to win, Ryan increased his speed, but Mark was close behind.

In the end, Mark surpassed Ryan and won the championship. Ryan was disappointed that he had lost to his competitor after all his hard work. He learned a valuable lesson that day: that underestimating opponents was a mistake that could cost him dearly. Ryan realized that hard work and talent alone were not enough. He needed to have the right attitude and respect his competitors.

Ryan never underestimated his competitors again and trained even harder. He eventually became a successful athlete, but more importantly, he understood that being a good person and respecting his opponents were more important than winning. The story teaches us that success is not just about talent and hard work; it’s also about having the right attitude and treating others with respect.

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